Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Wave Surfaces: tetrahedroid, I, 302—5, 587, vi, 21 ; on, iv, 420—6, 432—4, xm, 238—52; equation 
of, in elliptic coordinates, xi, 71—2; evolution of Fresnel’s, xi, 449. 
Weber, H. H.: triple theta functions, x, 444, 446—54; bitangents of quartic, xi, 221—3; elliptic 
functions, xm, 559. 
Weddle, M.: cubic curves, iv, 497; quadric cones, v, 4. 
Weierstrass, K.: doubly infinite product, i, 586; function Al(x), i, 587; «¿-functions, v, 33—7; 
Steiner’s quartic surface, v, 423; infinite products, vra, xl; triple theta functions, x, 432, 434; 
theta functions, x, 499; elliptic integrals, xi, 64; theta functions, xi, 242; theory of functions, 
xi, 451—2, 454; function of, xi, 540; Abelian functions, xn, 9S; and Jacobian elliptic functions, 
xn, 425—7; transformation in elliptic functions, xm, 29, 31. 
Weight: and partitions of a polygon, xiii, 110. 
Weingarten, J.: application of surfaces to each other, xm, 253—64. 
Whewell, W.: dynamics, iv, 518; mathematics, xi, 431—2; number and time, xi, 442. 
Whitworth, W. A. : triangles and conics, v, 593. 
Wiener, C.: model of cubic surface with twenty-seven real lines, vm, 366—84. 
Wilbraham, H.: probabilities, n, 594—8, v, 85. 
Wilkinson, M. M. U.: Taylor’s theorem, vm, 519; chances, x, 588; rectangular transformation, xi, 
Wilkinson, T. T.: circle and points, v, 560. 
Wilson, J. : theorem of, xi, 598; and proof, xn, 45. 
Wolstenholme, J.: relation among derivatives of a function, x, 590—2; conic and cubic, x, 605—7. 
Women: Cayley and higher education of, vm, xix. 
Woolhouse, W. S. B.: theorem of integration, problem, vn, 588; algebraical theorem, x, 594—6. 
Worms, H.: rotation of the Earth, iv, 537, 593. 
Woven: the term, xm, 121. 
Wright, E.: Mercator’s projection, xi, 448. 
Wright, T. C. : on Cayley as a law-student, vm, xiv. 
Writing of Cayley: frontispiece, vm. 
Wronski, H.: theorem of, ix, 96—102. 
Young, G. P.: soluble quintic equations, xm, 88; theory of groups, xm, 336, 533. 
Young, J. R. : sums of squares, n, 52; theorems of squares, xi, 294, 301. 
Zech, P. : wave surface, iv, 420—5, 432—4. 
Zero-values: of theta functions, x, 499—500, xn, 442—3; (see also Theta Functions). 
Zeuthen, H. G.: curves and developables, i, 587 ; sextactic points, v, 545; curves which satisfy given 
conditions, vi, 191, 192, 200—26, 594; capitals, vi, 280; reciprocal surfaces, vi, 577—81, 591, 
596—601, xi, 234; cubic surfaces, vi, 595—6; correspondence of two points on a curve, vn, 39; 
theory of conics, vn, 552—4; theory of curve and torse, vm, 72; table of singularities of torse, vm, 
81—2; degenerate forms of curves, xi, 220; quartic curves, xi, 480; systems of curves, xi, 486—7. 
Zolotareff, G.: elliptic integrals, x, 143. 
Zomal: defined, vi, 473; (see also Polyzomal Curves). 
Zornow, A. R.: mathematical tables, ix, 486. 

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