Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Contents of Volume II. 
144. A Third Memoir on Quantics . . . . . . . 310 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvi. (for 1856), pp. 627—647 
145. A Memoir on Caustics ........ 336 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 273—312 
146. A Memoir on Curves of the Third Order. . . . . 381 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 415—446 
147. A Memoir on the Symmetric Functions of the Roots of an 
Equation .......... 417 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 489—496 
148. A Memoir on the Resultant of a System of two Equations . 440 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 703—715 
149. On the Symmetric Functions of the Roots of certain Systems 
of tivo Equations . . . . . . . . . 454 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 717—726 
150. A Memoir on the Conditions for the Existence of given Systems 
of Equalities among the Roots of an Equation . . . 465 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 727—731 
151. Tables of the Sturmian Functions for Equations of the Second, 
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Degrees . . . . . 471 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlvii. (for 1857), pp. 733—736 
152. A Memoir on the Theory of Matrices . . . . . 475 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlviii. (for 1858), pp. 17—37 
153. A Memoir on the Automorphic Linear Transformation of a 
Bipartite Quadric Function . . . . . . . 497 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlviii. (for 1858), pp. 39—46 
154. Supplementary Researches on the Partition of Numbers . . 506 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlviii. (for 1858), pp. 47—52 
155. A Fourth Memoir on Quantics . . . . . . . 513 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlviii. (for 1858), pp. 415—427 
156. A Fifth Memoir on Quantics . . . . . . . 527 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlviii. (for 1858), pp. 429—460 
157. On the Tangential of a Cubic ....... 558 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlviii. (for 1858), pp. 461—463 
158. A Sixth Memoir on Quantics . . . . . . . 561 
Phil. Trans, t. cxlix. (for 1859), pp. 61—90 
Notes and References to papers in Volume II. . . . . . 593

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