Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Note sur la composition du nombre 47 par rapport aux vingt- 
troisièmes racines de l'unité ....... 
Crelle, t. LV. (1858), p. 192 
Théorème sur les déterminants gauches ..... 
Crelle, t. lv. (1858), pp. 277, 278 
Note sur les normales d'une conique ..... 
Crelle, t. lvi. (1859), pp. 182—185 
Addition cl la Note sur la composition du nombre 47 par 
rapport aux vingt-troisièmes racines de l'unité . 
Crelle, t. lvi. (1859), pp. 186, 187 
Note on a Theorem in Spherical Trigonometry 
Phil. Mag. t. xvii. (1859), p. 151 
On Poinsot’s four new Regular Solids ..... 
Phil. Mag. t. xvii. (1859), pp. 123—128 
Second Note on Poinsot's four new Regular Polyhedra . 
Phil. Mag. t. xvii. (1859), pp. 209, 210 
On the Theory of Groups as depending on the Symbolic 
Equation 6 n = 1. Third Part ...... 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 34—37. Sequel to 125 and 126 
On an Analytical Theorem relating to the distribution of 
Electricity upon two Spherical Surfaces .... 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 119—127 
On an Analytical Theorem connected with the distribution of 
Electricity upon two Spherical Surfaces. Second Part 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 193—202 
On Contour and Slope Lines ....... 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 264—268 
On the Analytical Forms ccdled Trees. Second Part 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 374—378. Continuation of 203 
Sketch of a proof of the Theorem that every Algebraic Equation 
has a Root .......... 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 436—439 
Note on Cones of the Third Order ..... 
Phil. Mag. t. xviii. (1859), pp. 439—442 
Sur la surface qui est Tenveloppe des plans conduits par 
les points d'un ellipsoïde perpendiculairement aux rayons 
menés par le centre ........ 
Tortolini, t. il (1859), pp. 168—179 

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