Contents of Volume V.
311. On a Theorem of Abel’s relating to Equations of the Fifth
Order ........... 55
Phil. Mag. t. xxi. (1861), pp. 257—263
312. On the Partitions of a Close . . . . . . . 62
Phil. Mag. t. xxi. (1861), pp. 424—428
313. On a Surface of the Fourth Order ...... 66
Phil. Mag. t. xxi. (1861), pp. 491—495
314. On the Curves situate on a Surface of the Second Order . 70
Phil. Mag. t. xxii. (1861), pp. 35—38
315. On the Cubic Centres of a Line with respect to three lines
and a line .......... 73
Phil. Mag. t. xxii. (1861), pp. 433—436
# 316. Note on the solution of an Equation of the Fifth Order . . 77
Phil. Mag. t. xxm. (1862), pp. 195, 196
317. Note on the transformation of a certain Differential Equation 78
Phil. Mag. t. xxm. (1862), pp. 266, 267
# 318. On a question in the Theory of Probabilities . . . . 80
Phil. Mag. t. xxm. (1862), pp. 361—365
# 319. Postscript to the paper, On a question in the Theory of Proba
bilities ........... 85
Phil. Mag. t. xxm. (1862), pp. 470, 471
320. On the Transcendent gd u = -. log tan (\tt + \ui). . . . 86
Phil. Mag. t. xxiv. (1862), pp. 19—21
# 321. Final Remarks on Mr Jerrard’s theory of Equations of the
Fifth Order .......... 89
Phil. Mag. t. xxiv. (1862), p. 290
322. On a Skeiv Surface of the Third Order . . . . . 90
Phil. Mag. t. xxiv. (1862), pp. 514—519
323. On a tactical Theorem relaxing to the Triads of Fifteen
Things ........... 95
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 59—61
324. Note on a Theorem relating to Surfaces . . . . . 98
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 61, 62
325. Note on a "Theorem relating to a Triangle, Line, and Conic . 100
Phil. Mag. t. xxv. (1863), pp. 181—183