Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Notes on Polyhedra ......... 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vu. (1866), pp. 304—316 
Théorème relatif à Véquilibre de quatre forces 
Comptes Rendus, t. lxi. (1865), pp. 829, 830 
Note sur la correspondance de deux points sur une courbe 
Comptes Rendus, t. lxii. (1866), pp. 586—590 
Report of a Committee appointed by the British Association 
to consider the formation of a Catalogue of Philosophical 
Memoirs (A. Cayley, R. Grant, G. G. Stokes) . 
Report of the British Association (1856), pp. 463, 464 
Notices of Communications to the British Association for the 
Advancement of Science ....... 
Brit. Assoc. Reports, Notices and Abstracts of Communications to 
the Sections (1854 to 1864) 
Note on the Rectangular Hyperbola ..... 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. I. 
p. 77 
Note on Bezout's Method of Elimination ..... 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. ii. (1864), 
pp. 88, 89 
Note on the Tetrahedron ........ 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. hi. (1866), 
pp. 8—10 
Problems and Solutions ........ 
Mathematical Questions with their Solutions from the Educational 
Times, vols. i. to iv. (1863 to 1865); for contents, see p. 612 
Notes and References to papers in Volume V. 

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