Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Contents of Volume XIII. 
933. Tables of pure reciprocals to the iveight 8 ... 333 
American Journal of Mathematics, t. xv (1893), pp. 75—77 
934. Note on the so-called quotient G/H in the theory of groups . 336 
American Journal of Mathematics, t. xv (1893), pp. 387, 388 
935. Sur la fonction modulaire x œ • ■ • • • • • 338 
Comptes Rendus, t. cxvi (1893), pp. 1339—1343 
936. Note on uniform convergence ....... 342 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., t. xix (1893), pp. 203—207 
937. Note on the orthotomic curve of a system of lines in a plane 346 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxii (1893), pp. 45, 46 
938. On two cubic equations ........ 348 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxii (1893), pp. 69—71 
939. On a case of the involution AF + BG + CH = 0, ivliere 
A, B, C, F, G, IT are ternary quadrics . . . . 350 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxii (1893), pp. 182—186 
940. On the development of (1 + rfxf . . . . . . 354 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxii (1893), pp. 186—190 
941. Note on the partial differential equation 
Rr+ Ss+Tt+U(s 2 -rt)-V=Q .... 358 
Quart. Math. Journ., t. xxvi (1893), pp. 1—5 
942. On seminvariants . . . . . . . . . 362 
Quart. Math. Journ., t. xxvi (1893), pp. 66—69 
943. On reciprocants and differential invariants . . . . 366 
Quart. Math. Journ., t. xxvi (1893), pp. 169—194, 289—307 
944. On Pfaff-invariants . . . . . . . . . 405 
Quart. Math. Journ., t. xxvi (1893), pp. 195—205 
945. Note on lacunary functions . . . . . . . 415 
Quart. Math. Journ., t. xxvi (1893), pp. 279—281 
946. Note on the theoy'y of orthomorphosis . . . . . 418 
Quart. Math. Journ., t. xxvi (1893), pp. 282—288 
947. On a system of two tetrads of circles: and other systems 
of two tetrads ......... 425 
Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc., t. vm (1893), pp. 54—59

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