Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Contents of Volume XIII. 
948. Report of a Committee appointed for the purpose of carrying 
on the tables connected with the Pellictn equation from 
the point where the work was left by Degen in 1817 . . 430 
British Association Report, (1893), pp. 73—120 
949. On Halphen’s characteristic n, in the theory of curves in 
space ........... 468 
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. cxi (1893), pp. 347—352 
950. On the sextic resolvent equations of Jacobi and Kronecker . 473 
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. cxm (1894), pp. 42—49 
951. Non-Euclidictn geometry ...... 
Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., t. xv (1894), pp. 37—61 
952. On the kinematics of a plane, and in particular on three- 
bar motion: and on a curve-tracing mechanism 
Camb. Phil. Soc. Trans., t. xv (1894), pp. 391—402 
953. On the nine-points circle . 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxm (1894), pp. 23—25 
954. On the nine-points circle of a plane triangle . 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxm (1894), pp. 25—27 
955. The numerical value of IT (f), = r (1 +i) . . . . . 522 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxm (1894), pp. 36—38 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxm (1894), pp. 42—47 
957. Illustrations of Sylow’s theorems on groups 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxm (1894), pp. 59—62 
958. On the surface of the order n which passes through a given 
cubic curve .......... 534 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxm (1894), pp. 79, 80 
959. Note on Pliickers equations ....... 536 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxiv (1895), pp. 23, 24 
960. On the circle of curvature at any point of an ellipse . . 537 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxiv (1895), pp. 47, 48 
961. A trigonometrical identity .... 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xxiv (1895), pp. 49—51 
962. Co-ordinates versus quaternions 
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., t. xx (1895), pp. 271—275 

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