Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

[ Volumes are indicated by Roman numerals. 
Pages are indicated by Arabic numerals.] 
Abbildung: the term, vn, 248 ; theory, vii, 249—50; (see also Transformation of Surfaces). 
Abel, N. H.: doubly infinite products, i, 120; inverse elliptic functions, I, 136, 156, 173; modular 
functions, i, 227; a functional equation, iv, 5—6; elliptic integrals, iv, 63, x, 139; quintic equations, 
v, 55—61, x, 11, xiii, 88; divergent series, vui, 494 ; a theorem of, x, 57; theory of equations, 
xi, 132—5, 455, 513, 518; elliptic functions, xi, 452; series, xi, 627. 
Abelian Functions: Riemann, vi, 2; p = S, x, 432—6; early history, xi, 453—4; connected with square 
roots of sextic and octic functions, xi, 483; the term, xi, 533—4; bitangents of plane quartic, 
xii, 74; hyperelliptic integrals of first order, xii, 98—9; memoir on theta functions and, xii, 
109—216, (introductory, xii, 109; Abel’s theorem, xii, 110—20; its proof, xii, 120—31; the major 
function, xii, 132—48, 149—56; miscellaneous investigations, xii, 157—96; nodal quartic, xii, 
196—208; functions T, U, V, 0, xii, 209—16). 
Abelian Integrals: notes on, i, 366—9; and covariants, ii, 189—91; Liouville, iv, 546; Riemann, 
v, 521 ; reduction to elliptic integrals, x, 214—22 ; deficiency of ground-curve, xi, 36; first kind 
of, xii, 38, 408—11; pure theorem for, xii, 110, 112—6, 119—20, 121, 129—30; affected theorem 
for, xii, 110, 116—7, 121, 130—1, 164—7. 
Abel’s Theorem: ii, 45, 95, xi, 27—8, xii, 30; applied to porisms, iv, 297; Rowe’s memoir on, xi, 
29—36; note on, xii, 38—41; proof, xii, 120; semi-cubical parabola, xii, 180—6; quadri-quadric 
curve, xii, 186—9, 292—8 ; other curves, xii, 189—96. 
Absolute: and theory of distance, n, 583—92, 604, v, 550; normals of a conic, iv, 74, 77; theory 
of evolute, v, 476—9; effect on locus in relation to triangle, vi, 53—64; Cayley’s theory of, vm, 
xxxvi—vii; evolutes and parallel curves, vm, 31—44; centro-surface of ellipsoid, vm, 316, 320; 
in hypergeometry, vm, 409—13, xiii, 481—504; the term, xm, 42; minimal surfaces, xni, 42. 
Abstract Geometry: memoir on, vi, 456—69, vm, xxxiii, xi, 441—2. 
Acceleration: secular (see Secular Acceleration). 
Acnodal: defined, v, 403, 551, xi, 228. 
Acnode: defined, iv, 181, v, 295, 521, vi, 585, xi, 630. 
Adams, J. C.: Malfatti’s problem, i, 468; moon’s mean motion, in, 522, 533—40, 568; lunar theory, 
vii, 372, vm, xliii—iv; attraction of ellipsoidal shell, ix, 302; solar eclipses, x, 315. 
Addition: of elliptic functions, i, 540—9, 589, xi, 73—7, 454, 530, xii, 294—8; of double theta 
functions, x, 455—62. 
Address: presidential to British Association, xi, 429—59. 
Adjoint Curve: ix, 504—7. 
Adjoint Linear Form: in quartics, ii, 319. 

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