Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Bacharach, J. : intersection of curves, i, 583, xii, 500. 
Baehr, G-. F. W. : relative motion, iv, 535, 584. 
Ball, Sir R. S. : theory of content, ii, 606 ; roots of quartic, v, 610, vu, 551 ; dynamical equations, ix, 
198—200 ; non-Buclidian geometry, xm, 481. 
Baltzer, H. R. : book on determinants, iv, 608. 
Barriers : the term, x, 320. 
Barycentric Calculus: Möbius, xn, 472—3. 
Bellavitis, J. L. : equipollences, xii, 473—4. 
Beltrami, E. : non-Euclidian plane geometry, xii, 221, 224; orthomorphosis, xm, 171. 
Bernoulli, James : analysis and numbers of, ix, 259—62. 
Bertrand, J. : geodesic lines, hi, 38; differential equations, in, 164, 189, 203; integrals and mechanical 
problems, in, 187, 200—3 ; Mécanique Analytique, in, 189—90, 203 ; wave surface, iv, 432—4 ; 
central forces problem, iv, 519—21, 584; problem of two centres, iv, 532, 584; motion of point, 
iv, 547, 584 ; problem of three bodies, iv, 547—52, 584, v, 23 ; curves of curvature on surfaces, vm, 
98 ; series, XI, 623, 627. 
Bessel, F. W.: elliptic motion, iv, 522, 584; precession and nutation, ix, 194—6. 
Bezout, E. : determinants, I, 63 ; elimination, iv, 38—9, v, 159, 555—6 ; equation of differences, iv, 151, 
Bezoutiant : defined, ii, 526. 
Bezoutic Emanant : defined, n, 525. 
Bezoutic Matrix : defined, iv, 607. 
Bezoutoid : defined, n, 526. 
Biaxial: defined, xm, 13. 
Bibasic : defined, xii, 642. 
Bibliography: of covariants and invariants, n, 598—601 ; of symmetric functions, n, 602—3. 
Bicentre : the term, ix, 429—60, x, 599. 
Bicircular Quartic, on the : x, 223—42 ; introductory, x, 223—4 ; formulae for fourfold generation, 
x, 224—6 ; determination as to reality, x, 226 ; investigation of elementary arc formulae, x, 
226—31 ; inscribed quadrilateral, x, 231—5. 
Bicircular Quartics: and polyzomal curves, vi, 472; foci of, vi, 521—2, 522—3; analytical theory, 
vi, 528—30; problem and solution, vu, 575, x, 596—8; geometrical construction, ix, 13—5; gener 
ation, xm, 12 ; transformation of circle, xm, 185 ; (see also Quartics). 
Bicircular Quartic Surfaces : vii, 67, 246 ; quadric surface inversion, vu, 67. 
Bickmore, C. E. : Pellian equation, xm, 442. 
Bicolumn: the term, ix, 28. 
Bicorn : the term, vi, 148, 158 ; equation, vi, 163 ; form, vi, 164. 
Bicursal Curves: vm, 181—7. 
Bicursal Sextic : and binodal quartic, ix, 581. 
Bien déterminée : defined, xii, 433. 
Bin : the abbreviation for tortuous curves, xm, 253. 
Binary: the term, iv, 604, vi, 466. 
Binary Cubics: covariants of, n, 189—91; fifth memoir on quantics, n, 540—5; geometrical represent 
ation of covariants of, vii, 332—3; tables of forms, vm, 51—64; transformation of function, xi, 
Binary Forms : canonic root, v, 103—5. 
Binary Matrices (see Matrices). 
Binary Quadratic Forms: tables of, v, 141—56, 618. 
Binary Quadrics: covariants of, n, 189—91; single, n, 527—9; theories of harmonic relation and 
of involution, ii, 529—40 ; asyzygetic covariants of, vii, 337—8.

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