TABLE OF A m O n + n(m) UP TO m = n = 20.
[From the Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. xm. Part I. (1881),
pp. 1—4. Read October 27, 1879.]
The differences of the powers of zero, A m 0 n , present themselves in the Calculus
of Finite Differences, and especially in the applications of Herschel’s theorem,
/(«*)=/( l+A)^- 0 ,
for the expansion of the function of an exponential. A small Table up to A 10 0 lu is
given in Herschel’s Examples (Camb. 1820), and is reproduced in the treatise on
Finite Differences (1843) in the Encyclopcedia Metropolitana. But, as is known, the
successive differences A0 W , A 2 0 n , A 3 0 n , ... are divisible by 1, 1.2, 1.2.3,... and
generally A OT 0 n is divisible by 1.2.3 ...m, = II (to) ; these quotients are much smaller
numbers, and it is therefore desirable to tabulate them rather than the undivided
differences A m 0 n : moreover, it is easier to calculate them. A table of the quotients
A m 0 n - n (to), up to m — n= 12 is in fact given by Grunert, Crelle, t. xxv. (1843),
p. 279, but without any explanation in the heading of the meaning of the tabulated
numbers C n k , = A n 0 k -r II (n), and without using for their determination the convenient
formula C n k+l = nCf + C n _f given by Björling in a paper, Crelle, t. xxvm. (1844),
p. 284. The formula in question, say
^mQn+i ^mQn ¿pn~ IQ«
TT(to) = m Ujmj + n (to -1) ’
is given in the second edition (by Moulton) of Boole’s Calculus of Finite Differences,
(London, 1872), p. 28, under the form
A m 0 w = to (A m-1 0 n_1 + A m 0 n_1 ).
It occurred to me that it would be desirable to extend the table of the quotients
A’”0 n -j- II (to), up to m = n = 20. The calculation is effected very readily by means