Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

of for some years) may perhaps be found interesting from its connexion with the 
theories of expansion and divergent series.” And I then give the expansion 
G n e x = [n — rf x n ~ 1 ~ r , 
where n is any integer or fractional number whatever, and the summation extends 
to all positive and negative integer values (zero included) of r. And I remark that, 
n being an integer, we have G n = T (n), and hence that assuming that this is so in 
general, or writing 
r (ft). e x — [ft — l] r x n ~ 1 ~ r , 
we have this equation as a definition of T (ft). The point of resemblance of course 
is that we have a doubly infinite expansion of e x in a series of integer or fractional 
powers of x, corresponding to Riemann’s like expansion of z x+h in powers of h. 
Cambridge, 10 Sept. 1879.

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