of for some years) may perhaps be found interesting from its connexion with the
theories of expansion and divergent series.” And I then give the expansion
G n e x = [n — rf x n ~ 1 ~ r ,
where n is any integer or fractional number whatever, and the summation extends
to all positive and negative integer values (zero included) of r. And I remark that,
n being an integer, we have G n = T (n), and hence that assuming that this is so in
general, or writing
r (ft). e x — [ft — l] r x n ~ 1 ~ r ,
we have this equation as a definition of T (ft). The point of resemblance of course
is that we have a doubly infinite expansion of e x in a series of integer or fractional
powers of x, corresponding to Riemann’s like expansion of z x+h in powers of h.
Cambridge, 10 Sept. 1879.