Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

and, if instead of these we consider the combinations a n x + b n and c n x + d n , we then 
Sti)” 1 {(Vl+1 - !) (ax + b ) + (\ n - X) {- dx + 6)}, 
„ {(X n+1 — 1) (cx + d) + (\ n — X)( cx — a)}\ 
a n x + b n = - 
c n x d n == „ 
and in dividing the first of these by the second, the exterior factor disappears. 
It is to be remarked that, if n = 0, the formulae become as they should do a 0 x + b 0 = x, 
c 0 x + d 0 = 1; and if n = 1, they become a x x+ b x = ax + b, c x x+ d x = cx + d. 
If X m — 1 = 0, where m, the least exponent for which this equation is satisfied, is 
for the moment taken to be greater than 2, the terms in { } are 
(X — 1) {ax + b) + (1 — X) (— dx + b), 
(X — 1) {cx + d) + (1 — X) ( cx — a) ; 
viz. these are (X — l){a-\-d)x, and (X —l)(a + d), or if for (X—l)(a + c?) we write 
viz. we have here 
or the function is periodic of the with order. Writing for shortness 'b = — , s being 
any integer not = 0, and prime to n, we have X = cos 2^ + i sin 2S-, hence 
1 + X = 2 cos (cos ^f + i sin S-), 
ILilM =4cos 2 ^-; consequently, in order to the function being periodic of the nth 
order, the relation between the coefficients is 
The formula extends to the case m = 2, viz. cos £ (stt) = 0, or the condition is 
ci + d = 0. But here X + 1=0, and the case requires to be separately verified. Recurring 
to the original expression for M 2 , we see that, for a + d = 0, this becomes 
a 2 + be, 0 
0 , d 2 + be 
, = (a 2 + be) 1, 0 
0, 1 
that is, 
a 2 x + b 2 
c. 2 x + d 2 
or the result is thus verified.

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