Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

is independent of x, and equal to either of these equal quantities; and if from these 
two values of u we eliminate X,, we obtain for u the quadric equation 
that is, 
cu 2 — (a — d) u — b = 0, 
cm+ b 
cu + d ’ 
as is, in fact, obvious from the consideration that n being indefinitely large the nth and 
(ft+l)th functions must be equal to each other. In the latter case, as \ n is indefinitely 
small, we have the like formulae, and we obtain for u the same quadric equation: 
the two values of u are however not the same, but (as is easily shown) their product 
is = — b -r c; u is therefore the other root of the quadric equation. Hence, as n 
increases, the function cf) n x continually approximates to one or the other of the roots 
of this quadric equation. The equation has equal roots if (a — d) 2 -1- 46c = 0, which is 
the relation existing in the above-mentioned special case; and here u = (a — d), = ,, 
AG CL — Ct 
which result is also given by the formulae of the special case on writing therein n = oo. 
C. XI. 

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