power of the first coefficient a is a rational function of the fundamental seminvariants.
Thus, in the case of the cubic, we have the discriminant V,
obtained from
by the formula
= a-<P — Gabcd + 4 ac 3 + 4 b 3 d — 3 b 2 c 2 ,
a, ac — b 2 , a 2 d — 3abc + 2b 3 ,
a' 2 V = (a 2 d — Sabc + 2 b 3 ) 2 + 4 (ac — b 2 ) 3 ,
and it is easily shown that this invariant V is the only new covariant thus obtainable,
and that every other covariant is thus a rational and integral function of the
irreducible covariants, the leading coefficients of which are
a, ac — b 2 , a 2 d — Sabc + 2b 3 ,
and V. It appears a truism, and it might be thought that it would be, if not easy,
at least practicable, to show for a quantic of any given finite order n, that we can
in this manner, as rational functions of the n — 1 seminvariants, obtain only a finite
number of new seminvariants, so that all the seminvariants would be expressible as
rational and integral functions of a finite number of seminvariants; and, consequently,
all the covariants be expressible as rational and integral functions of a finite number
of irreducible covariants. But the large number, 23, of the covariants of the quintic
is enough to show that the proof, even if it could be carried out, would involve
algebraical operations of great complexity.
The theory may be considered from a different point of view, in connexion with
the root-form a(x- ay) (x- fry)..., or say (x - a) (x - /3) ... of the quantic; we have
here what may be called the monomial form of covariant, viz. the general monomial
form is
(a — ft) m (a — y) n (ft — y) p ...(x — afi(x — ft) r ...,
where in all the factors (whether a - /3 or x - a) which contain a, in all the factors
which contain ft,..., and so for each root in succession, the sum of the indices has
one and the same value, = 0 suppose. Thus, for the cubic
(x -a)(x- ft) (x - y),
we have the monomial covariants
(a -ft) (a- y) (ft - y),
(ft-y)(x-a), (a-y)(x-/3), (a - ft) (x - y),
(x-a) (x- ft) (x-y);
and so for the quartic
(x -a)(x- ft) (x -y)(x- S),
we have the monomial invariants
(a-ft)(y-S), (a — y) (ft - S), (a — 8) (ft — y).
Observe that the monomial form is considered as essential; a syzygetic function of
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