on schubert’s method for the
intersections with F of the line of intersection of their planes, the order of the scroll
generated by the lines which meet three of the sections is 2n 3 — 3ft 2 ; this scroll meets
the fourth section in n( 2ft 3 — 3ft 2 ), = 2w 4 — 3n 3 points; or we have this number of lines
meeting each of the four sections. But among these are included 3n 2 (ft — 1) lines
which have to be rejected, viz. the sections 1 and 4 meet in n points, each of which is
the vertex of cones through the sections 1 and 2 respectively; these cones meet in n
lines, which are to be disregarded, and in n 2 — n other lines, and we have thus n (n 2 — n),
= n 2 (n — 1) lines; and similarly from the intersections of 2 and 4, and from the inter
sections of 3 and 4, n 2 (n— 1) and ft 2 (ft — 1) lines, in all 3ft 2 (ft — 1) lines. Hence the
number of lines meeting the four sections is
2ft 4 — 3 n 3 — 3 n 3 + 3 n 2 , = 2ft 4 — 6ft 3 + 3ft 2 ;
taking any one of these for the line of the subject, the remaining points 5, 6, ..., i are
any i — 4 of the remaining n — 4 intersections, or we have the required formula
Pip 2 p 3 Pi = ft 2 (2ft 2 — 6ft + 3) (ft — 4)...(ft — i + 1).
The four numbers p 2 p 2 , p^p^ps, PiP^PsPi, & for any line of the table being now
known, we can at once calculate the required values e 2 g s , &c., as the case may be ; for
i = 5, e 5 = —10p 2 p 2 = — 10ft 2 (ft — 2) (ft — 3)(ft — 4)
— \0p l 2 p 2 p s — 10w 2 (ft — 1) (ft — 3) (ft — 4)
+ ^PiPiP?,Pi + 5ft 2 (2ft 2 — 6ft + 3) (ft — 4)
+ 106r + 10ft (ft — 1) (ft — 2) (ft — 3) (ft — 4)
= 5ft (ft — 4) (7ft — 12).
In fact, throwing out ft (ft —4), the remaining terms give
— 10 ft 3 + 50ft 2 — 60ft
— 10?? 3 + 40ft 2 — 30ft
-1- 10ft 3 — 30ft 2 + 15ft
+ 10ft 3 - 60ft 2 + 110ft - 60
35ft-60, =5 (7ft-12).
And we obtain in like manner the other formulae of the table.
The remainder of § 33 contains investigations of less systematically connected
theorems, and I quote the results only.
25. If on the surface F n there is a curve order r, then of the tangent planes of F n
along this curve there pass r(n — 1) through an arbitrary point of space; aliter,
class of torse is =r(n — 1).
In particular, for curve of 4-pointic contact, r = ft(llft—24), class of torse is
= ft (ft-1) (lift - 24).
No. of taDgent planes through line, or class of surface, =n{n — l) 2 .