Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

a) — a v + a 0 + ci n — p + ci n — 
•v—a (¿n—p—q 1 • 
of the remaining constants is = a p ; viz. a p is the number of constants in the equation 
of a surface of the order p. As regards the surface in question 
P, Q 
E, S 
= 0, 
we may it is clear take P, Q, R each with a coefficient unity as above, but in the 
remaining function S, the coefficient must remain arbitrary : the apparent number of 
constants is thus = a p + a q + a n - p + CL n -q + 1 ; but there is a deduction from this number. 
The equation may in fact be written in the form 
I P + (*Q, Q 
\ R + ctS + /3P + a @Q, S + (3Q 
= 0, 
where a. represents an arbitrary function of the order p — q, and /3 an arbitrary function 
of the degree n—p — q: we thus introduce (a p _ q + 1) + (a n - p _ q + 1), = a p - q + an-p-q + 2, 
constants, and by means of these we can impose the like number of arbitrary relations 
upon the constants originally contained in the functions P, Q, R, S respectively (say 
we can reduce to zero this number a p _ q + an-p-q + 2 of the original constants): hence 
the real number of constants is 
a p + a q + a n ~ p + a n _ q + 1 — (a p - q + a n - p - q + 2), 
+ n — Cl't 
CL n — 
— Up "p Qj q 4 U ¡y— p 
= &) suppose ; 
viz. this is the required number in the case n > p + q, p> q. 
If however n=p + q, or p = q, or if these relations are both satisfied, then there is a 
P', 0' i 
further deduction of 1, 1, or 2: in fact, calling the last-mentioned determinant ^ ^ , 
then the four cases are 
n>p + q, p>q, 
n=p + q, p>q, 
n > p + q, p = q, 
n=p + q, p = q, 
F, Q 
R', 8' 
F, Q' 
R', S' 
F, Q' 
R', S' 
F, Q' 
R', S' 
F, Q' 
R', S' 
P' + kR', Q'+kS' 
R', S' 
F, Q' + kP' 
R', S' + kR' 
P' + kR', Q'+ IP'+ kS'+ klR' 
R', S'+ IR' | 
where k, l denote arbitrary constants : these, like the constants of a and /3, may be 
used to impose arbitrary relations upon the original constants of P, Q, R, S’, and 
hence the number of constants is =<w, u> — 1, co — 1, a> — 2 in the four cases respectively, 
where as above

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