bination (the distributive, commutative, and associative laws) but which are such that
for any one of them, say x, we have x — x 2 — 0, this equation not implying (as in ordinary
algebra it would do) either x=0 or else x—1. In the latter part of the work relating
to the Theory of Probabilities, there is a difficulty in making out the precise meaning
of the symbols; and the remarkable theory there developed has, it seems to me, passed
out of notice, without having been properly discussed. A paper by the same author,
“ Of Propositions numerically definite ” (Gainb. Phil. Trans. 1869), is also on the border
land of logic and mathematics. It would be out of place to consider other systems
of mathematical logic, but I will just mention that Mr C. S. Peirce in his “Algebra of
Logic,” American Math. Journal, vol. III., establishes a notation for relative terms, and
that these present themselves in connexion with the systems of units of the linear
associative algebra.
Connected with logic, but primarily mathematical and of the highest importance,
we have Schubert’s Abziihlende Geometrie (1878). The general question is, How many
curves or other figures are there which satisfy given conditions ? for example, How
many conics are there which touch each of five given conics ? The class of questions
in regard to the conic was first considered by Chasles, and we have his beautiful
theory of the characteristics g, v, of the conics which satisfy four given conditions;
questions relating to cubics and quartics were afterwards considered by Maillard and
Zeuthen; and in the work just referred to the theory has become a very wide one.
The noticeable point is that the symbols used by Schubert are in the first instance,
not numbers, but mere logical symbols: for example, a letter g denotes the condition
that a line shall cut a given line; g 2 that it shall cut each of two given lines ; and so
in other cases; and these logical symbols are combined together by algebraical laws:
they first acquire a numerical signification when the number of conditions becomes equal
to the number of parameters upon which the figure in question depends.
In all that I have last said in regard to theories outside of ordinary mathematics, I
have been still speaking on the text of the vast extent of modern mathematics. In
conclusion I would say that mathematics have steadily advanced from the time of the
Greek geometers. Nothing is lost or wasted ; the achievements of Euclid, Archimedes,
and Apollonius are as admirable now as they were in their own days. Descartes’ method
of coordinates is a possession for ever. But mathematics have never been cultivated
inore zealously and diligently, or with greater success, than in this century—in the last
half of it, or at the present time : the advances made have been enormous, the actual
field is boundless, the future full of hope. In regard to pure mathematics we may
most confidently say :—
Yet I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs,
And the thoughts of men are widened with the process of the suns.