78 7]
Taking y as an angle, and defining as usual the sine and cosine as the ratios
of the perpendicular and base respectively to the radius, the sine and cosine will be
functions of y; and we obtain geometrically the foregoing fundamental equations for the
sine and cosine; but in order to the truth of the foregoing equation exp iy = cos y + i sin y,
it is further necessary that the angle should be measured in circular measure, that
is, by the ratio of the arc to the radius; so that ir denoting as usual the number
3T4159..., the measure of a right angle is =^7r. And this being so, the functions
sine and cosine, obtained as above by consideration of the exponential function, have
their ordinary geometrical significations.
3. The foregoing investigation was given in detail in order to the completion of
the theory of the irrational function u m . We henceforth take the theory of the
circular functions as known, and speak of tan#, &c., as the occasion may arise.
We have
x + iy = r (cos 6 + i sin 6),
where, writing Vx- + y 2 to denote the positive value of the square root, we have
tan 6 = y
x ‘
Treating x, y as the rectangular coordinates of a point P, r is the distance (regarded
as positive) of this point from the origin, and 6 is the inclination of r to the positive
part of the axis of #; to fix the ideas 6 may be regarded as lying within the
limits 0, 77-, or 0, — 7r, according as y is positive or negative ; 6 is thus completely
determinate, except in the case, x negative, y = 0, for which 6 is =tt or —7r indifferently.
And if u = x + iy, we hence have
where r m is real and positive and s has any positive or negative integer value what
ever: but we thus obtain for u m only the to values corresponding to the values
0, 1, 2, ...,to — 1 of s. More generally we may, instead of the index — , take the index
to be any rational fraction Supposing this to be in its least terms, and to to
be positive, the number of distinct values is always = to. If instead of — we take
the index to be the general real or complex quantity to, we have u m , no longer an
algebraical function of u, and having in general an infinity of values.