4. The foregoing equation exp (x + y) = exp x. exp y is, in fact, the equation of
indices, a x+y = a x .a y ; exp x is thus the same thing as (?, where e denotes a properly-
determined number, and putting e x equal to the series, and then writing x—1, we
have e=l + \ + ^s + &c., that is, e = 2'7128 ... But as well theoretically as
1 1 . Z 1 • Z . o
for convenience of printing, there is considerable advantage in the use of the notation
exp u.
From the equation, exp iy = cos y + i sin y, we deduce exp (— iy) = cos y — i sin y, and
cos y = {exp (iy) + exp (- iy)},
sin V = ^ {exp (iy) - exp (- iy)};
if we write herein ix instead of y we have
cos ix = \ {exp x + exp ( — x)},
sin ix = ^ {exp x — exp (— x)},
viz. these values are
COS IX = 1 + —- +
1 . z
1 . . X?
- sin ix = x + ■—a _
i 1.2.3
x 4
+ ...
+ ...
each of them real when x is real.
The functions in question
1 + g +
ÎC 4
27374 + '"
and x + - g 3 +..., regarded as functions of are termed the hyperbolic cosine and
sine, and are represented by the notations cosh x and sinh x respectively; and similarly
we have the hyperbolic tangent tanh x, &c.: although it is easy to remember that
cos ix, sin ix, are, in fact, real functions of x, and to understand accordingly the formulae
wherein they occur, yet the use of these notations of the hyperbolic functions is often
5. Writing u — exp v, then v is conversely a function of u which is called the
logarithm (hyperbolic logarithm, to distinguish it from the tabular or Briggian logarithm),
and we write v = log u, or what is the same thing, we have u = exp (log u): and it is
clear that if u be real and positive there is always a real and positive value of logu,
in particular the real logarithm of e is = 1; it is however to be observed that the
logarithm is not a one-valued function, but has an infinity of values corresponding to
the different integer values of a constant s; in fact, if logw be any one of its values,
then • log u + 2s7n is also a value, for we have exp (log u + 2sTri) = exp log u exp 2s7ri, or
since exp 2sTri is =1, this is =u; that is, \ogu+2sTri is a value of the logarithm of u.
We have
uv = exp (log uv) = exp log u. exp log v,