Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

6. Each of the functions exp u, sin u, cos u, tan u, &c., as a one-valued function 
of u, is in this respect analogous to a rational function of u; and there are further 
analogies of exp u, sin u, cos u, to a rational and integral function; and of tan u, sec u, &c., 
to a rational non-integral function. 
A rational and integral function has a certain number of roots, or zeros, each of 
a given multiplicity, and is completely determined (except as to a constant factor) 
when the several roots and the multiplicity of each of them is given; i.e., if a, b, c,... 
be the roots, p, q, r,... their multiplicities, then the form is A 1 ) (1 
u\ q 
a rational (non-integral) function has a certain number of infinities, or poles, each of 
them of a given multiplicity, viz. the infinities are the roots or zeros of the rational 
and integral function which is its denominator. 
The function exp u has no finite roots, but an infinity of roots each = — oo; this 
appears from the equation exp u = {1 + -J , where n is indefinitely large and positive. 
The function sin u has the roots sir where s is any positive or negative integer, zero 
included; or, what is the same thing, its roots are 0 and + sir, s now denoting any 
positive integer from 1 to oo; each of these is a simple root, and we in fact have 
sin u = uli (1 — U „V Similarly the roots of cos u are (s + |) 7r, s denoting any positive 
S' 7J~ 
or negative integer, zero included, or, what is the same thing, they are + (s + 7r, 
s now denoting any positive integer from 0 to oo; each root is simple, and we have 
'2/2 \ 
cos u = II (1 + t—„). Obviously tan u, as the quotient sin u 4- cos u, has both roots 
(s + |) 2 7r 
and infinities, its roots being the roots of sin u, its infinities the roots of cos u; sec u 
as the reciprocal of cos u has infinities only, these being the roots of cos u, &c. 
In the foregoing expression sin u = ull f 1 — , ), the product must be understood 
V S"7T / 
to mean the limit of 11^ (1 
S 2 7T : 
for an indefinitely large positive integer value of n, 
viz. the product is first to be formed for the values s=l, 2, 3,... up to a determinate 
number n, and then n is to be taken indefinitely large. If, separating the positive 
and the negative values of s, we consider the product uTYj 1 ^1 +^^II 1 OT ^1 — , (where 
in the first product s has all the positive integer values from 1 to n, and in the 
second product s has all the positive integer values from 1 to m), then by making 
to and n each of them indefinitely large, the function does not approximate to sin«, 
unless m : n be a ratio of equality*. And similarly as regards cos«, the product 
to and n indefinitely large, does not approximate to 
(s + ^) 7Tj \(s + ^) 7T 
n [ 1 
° \ 
cos u, unless m : n be a ratio of equality. 
* The value of the function in question ul\p ^1 + —'j II/' 1 ^1 - f when m, n are each indefinitely 
large, but — not =1, is =( - ) ,r sintt. 
6 71 \mj

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