observatories throughout the world. He co-operated in the Danish and Hanoverian
measurements of an arc and trigonometrical operations (1821—48), and wrote (1843,
1846) the two memoirs lieber Gegenstände der hohem Geodäsie. Connected with
observations in general we have (1812—26) the memoir Theoria combinationis observ
ationum erroribus minimis obnoxia, with a second part and a supplement. Another
memoir of applied mathematics is the Dioptrische Untersuchungen, 1840. Gauss was
well versed in general literature and the chief languages of modern Europe, and was
a member of nearly all the leading scientific societies in Europe. He died at Göttingen
early in the spring of 1855. The centenary of his birth was celebrated (1877) at his
native place, Brunswick.
Gauss’s collected works have been recently published by the Royal Society of
Göttingen, in 7 vols. 4to, Gött., 1863—71, edited by E. J. Schering,—(1) the Dis
quisitiones Arithmetics, (2) Theory of Numbers, (3) Analysis, (4) Geometry and Method
of Least Squares, (5) Mathematical Physics, (6) Astronomy, and (7) the Theoria Motus
Corporum Coelestium. They include, besides his various works and memoirs, notices by
him of many of these, and of works of other authors in the Göttingische gelehrte
Anzeigen, and a considerable amount of previously unpublished matter, Nachlass. Of
the memoirs in pure mathematics, comprised for the most part in vols. II., in., and
IV. (but to these must be added those on Attractions in vol. v.), it may be safely
said there is not one which has not signally contributed to the progress of the branch
of mathematics to which it belongs, or which would not require to be carefully
analysed in a history of the subject. Running through these volumes in order, we have
in the second the memoir, Summatio quarundam serierum singidarium, the memoirs on
the theory of biquadratic residues, in which the notion of complex numbers of the
form a + Ы was first introduced into the theory of numbers; and included in the
Nachlass are some valuable tables. That for the conversion of a fraction into decimals
(giving the complete period for all the prime numbers up to 997) is a specimen of
the extraordinary love which Gauss had for long arithmetical calculations; and the
amount of work gone through in the construction of the table of the number of the
classes of binary quadratic forms must also have been tremendous. In vol. ill. we have
memoirs relating to the proof of the theorem that every numerical equation has a
real or imaginary root, the memoirs on the Hyper geometric Series, that on Interpolation,
and the memoir Determinatio Attractionis—in which a planetary mass is considered
as distributed over its orbit according to the time in which each portion of the orbit
is described, and the question (having an implied reference to the theory of secular
perturbations) is to find the attraction of such a ring. In the solution the value of
an elliptic function is found by means of the arithmetico-geometrical mean. The
Nachlass contains further researches on this subject, and also researches (unfortunately
very fragmentary) on the lemniscate-function, &c., showing that Gauss was, even before
1800, in possession of many of the discoveries which have made the names of Abel
and Jacobi illustrious. In vol. IV. we have the memoir Allgemeine Auflösung..., on the
graphical representation of one surface upon another, and the Disquisitiones generales
circa superficies curvas. And in vol. v. we have a memoir On the Attraction of
Homogeneous Ellipsoids, and the already mentioned memoir Allgemeine Lehrsätze..., on
the theory of forces attracting according to the inverse square of the distance.
С. XI.