3. The only numbers divisible by a number JS T = a a b^c y ... are the numbers
a a '№c y •••> where each exponent a is equal to or greater than the corresponding
exponent a. And conversely the only numbers which divide A are those of the form
a a 'Wc y '..., where each index a' is at most equal to the corresponding index a; and
in particular each or any of the indices a! may be = 0. Again, the least common
multiple of two numbers A = a a №c y ... and A' = a a '№'c y ' ... is a a "№"c y "..., where each
index a' is equal to the largest of the corresponding indices a, a ;—observe that any
one or more of the indices a, /3, y,..., a', /3', y,..., may be = 0, so that the theorem
extends to the case where either of the numbers A r , A', has prime factors which are
not factors of the other number. And so the greatest common measure of two
numbers A — a a №c y ... and A' = a a 'b^'c y '... is a a "Wc y '..., where each index a" is equal
to the least of the corresponding indices a and a.
4. The divisors of JST=a a №c y ... are the several terms of the product
(1 + a + ... + a a ) (1 + b + ... + ¥) (1 + c + ... + c y ),
where unity and the number N itself are reckoned each of them as a divisor. Hence
the number of divisors is = (a + 1) (/3 +1) (7 + 1) ..., and the sum of the divisors is
_ (q«+ 1 - 1) (№ +1 - 1) (c y+1 - 1) ...
5. In ii= a a №c y ... the number of integers less than N and prime to it is
To find the numbers in question write down the series of numbers 1, 2, 3,..., N;
strike out all the numbers divisible by a, then those divisible by b, then those divisible
by c, and so on; there will remain only the numbers prime to A r . For actually
finding the numbers we may of course in striking out those divisible by b disregard
the numbers already struck out as divisible by a, and in striking out with respect to
c disregard the numbers already struck out as divisible by a or b, and so on; but
in order to count the remaining numbers it is more convenient to ignore the previous
strikings out. Suppose, for a moment, there are only two prime factors a and b, then
the number of terms struck out as divisible by a is = N. —, and the number of
terms struck out as divisible by b is = A. ^; but then each term divisible by ab will
have been twice struck out; the number of these is =N.^r, and thus the number
u ~ ab’
which is = N
of the remaining terms is Ail
a b ab.
treating in like manner the case of three or more prime factors a, b, c,... we arrive at the
general theorem. The formula gives <£ (1) = 1 viz. when N = 1, there is no factor 1 - i;
and it is necessary to consider 0(1) as being =1. The explanation is that 0(A)