Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

23. Quadratic residues for an odd prime modulus. In particular, if h = 2, then 
e — 2, f= i (p — 1), and the square of every number not divisible by p is = one of the 
z(p— 1) numbers g~, g 4 , that is, there are only ^(p-1) numbers out of the 
series 1, 2, 3, ...,p — 1 which are residues of a square number, or say quadratic residues, 
and the remaining \ (p — 1) numbers are said to be quadratic non-residues of the 
modulus p,—we may say simply, residues and non-residues. But this result can be 
obtained more easily without the aid of the theory of prime roots. Every number not 
divisible by p is, to the modulus p, = one of the series of numbers +1, ±2, +3, ..., ±\{p—1); 
hence every square number is = one of the series of numbers l 2 , 2 2 , 3 2 , ..., \{p — l) 2 ; 
and thus the p — 1 numbers 1, 2, 3, p — 1, are one-half of them residues and the 
other half non-residues of p. Thus, in the case p = 11, every number not divisible by 
11 is, to this modulus, = one of the series +1, ±2, +3, + 4, + 5 ; whence the square 
of any such number is = one of the series 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, or say the series 1, 4, 9, 5, 3; 
that is, we have 
residues 1, . 3, 4, 5, . . . 9, . 
non-residues . 2, . . . 6, 7, 8, . 10 
Calling as usual the residues a and the non-residues b, we have in this case 
-&(Xb -2a) =^(33 -22), =1, 
a positive integer; this is a property true for any prime number of the form 4n + 3, 
but for a prime number of the form 4n + 1 we have Xb — Xa — 0 ; the demonstration 
belongs to a higher part of the theory. 
It is easily shown that the product of two residues or of two non-residues is a 
residue; but the product of a residue and a non-residue is a non-residue. 
24. The law of reciprocity—Legendre’s symbol. The question presents itself, given 
that P is a residue or a non-residue of Q, can we thence infer whether Q is a 
residue or a non-residue of P ? In particular, if P, Q, are the odd primes p, q, for 
instance, given that 13 = 12(17), can we thence infer that 17 = R (13), or that 
17 = JS T R (13) ? The answer is contained in the following theorem: If p, q, are odd 
primes each or one of them of the form 4n -f 1, then p, q, are each of them a residue 
or each of them a non-residue of the other ; but, if p, q, are each of them of the 
form 4n + 3, then, according as p is a residue or a non-residue of q, we have q a non 
residue or a residue of p. 
The theorem is conveniently expressed by means of Legendre’s symbol, viz. p being 
a positive odd prime, and Q any positive or negative number not divisible by p, then 
(p} ^ eno ^ es 1 or ~ L according as Q is or is not a residue of p; if, as before, q 
is (as p) a positive odd prime, then the foregoing theorem is

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