23. Quadratic residues for an odd prime modulus. In particular, if h = 2, then
e — 2, f= i (p — 1), and the square of every number not divisible by p is = one of the
z(p— 1) numbers g~, g 4 , that is, there are only ^(p-1) numbers out of the
series 1, 2, 3, ...,p — 1 which are residues of a square number, or say quadratic residues,
and the remaining \ (p — 1) numbers are said to be quadratic non-residues of the
modulus p,—we may say simply, residues and non-residues. But this result can be
obtained more easily without the aid of the theory of prime roots. Every number not
divisible by p is, to the modulus p, = one of the series of numbers +1, ±2, +3, ..., ±\{p—1);
hence every square number is = one of the series of numbers l 2 , 2 2 , 3 2 , ..., \{p — l) 2 ;
and thus the p — 1 numbers 1, 2, 3, p — 1, are one-half of them residues and the
other half non-residues of p. Thus, in the case p = 11, every number not divisible by
11 is, to this modulus, = one of the series +1, ±2, +3, + 4, + 5 ; whence the square
of any such number is = one of the series 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, or say the series 1, 4, 9, 5, 3;
that is, we have
residues 1, . 3, 4, 5, . . . 9, .
non-residues . 2, . . . 6, 7, 8, . 10
Calling as usual the residues a and the non-residues b, we have in this case
-&(Xb -2a) =^(33 -22), =1,
a positive integer; this is a property true for any prime number of the form 4n + 3,
but for a prime number of the form 4n + 1 we have Xb — Xa — 0 ; the demonstration
belongs to a higher part of the theory.
It is easily shown that the product of two residues or of two non-residues is a
residue; but the product of a residue and a non-residue is a non-residue.
24. The law of reciprocity—Legendre’s symbol. The question presents itself, given
that P is a residue or a non-residue of Q, can we thence infer whether Q is a
residue or a non-residue of P ? In particular, if P, Q, are the odd primes p, q, for
instance, given that 13 = 12(17), can we thence infer that 17 = R (13), or that
17 = JS T R (13) ? The answer is contained in the following theorem: If p, q, are odd
primes each or one of them of the form 4n -f 1, then p, q, are each of them a residue
or each of them a non-residue of the other ; but, if p, q, are each of them of the
form 4n + 3, then, according as p is a residue or a non-residue of q, we have q a non
residue or a residue of p.
The theorem is conveniently expressed by means of Legendre’s symbol, viz. p being
a positive odd prime, and Q any positive or negative number not divisible by p, then
(p} ^ eno ^ es 1 or ~ L according as Q is or is not a residue of p; if, as before, q
is (as p) a positive odd prime, then the foregoing theorem is