and these are said to be improperly primitive forms, or to belong to the improperly
primitive order. The properly primitive forms are thus the six forms (1, 0, 35),
(5, 0, 7), (3, ±1, 12), (4, ±1, 18); or we may say that there are represented hereby
six properly primitive classes. Derived forms, or forms which belong to a derived
order, present themselves in the case of a determinant D having a square factor or
factors, and it is not necessary to consider them here.
It is not proposed to give here the rules for the determination of the system
of non-equivalent forms; it will be enough to state that this depends on the determ
ination in the first instance of a system of reduced forms, that is, forms for which
the coefficients a, b, c, taken positively satisfy certain numerical inequalities admitting
only of a finite number of solutions. In the case of a negative determinant, the
reduced forms are no two of them equivalent, and we thus have the required system
of non-equivalent forms; in the case of a positive determinant, the reduced forms
group themselves together in periods in such wise that the forms belonging to a
period are equivalent to each other, and the required system of non-equivalent forms
is obtained by selecting one form out of each such period. The principal difference in
the theory of the two cases of a positive and a negative determinant consists in these
periods; the system of non-equivalent forms once arrived at, the two theories are nearly
28. Characters of a form or class—division into genera. Attending only to the
properly primitive forms: for instance, those mentioned above for the determinant
— 35: the form (1, 0, 35) represents only numbers f which are residues of 5, and also
residues of 7; we have, in fact, f=x iJ r 35t/ 2 , = x 1 (mod. 5), and also = # 2 (mod. 7).
Using the Legendrian symbols and , we say that the form (1, 0, 35) has the
Each of the other forms has in like manner a determinate
character -f or — in regard to
found that
and also in regard to
for each of them the characters are + + or else — — (that is, they are never + —
or — +). We, in fact, have
(1, 0, 35) + +
(4, ± 1, 9)
(5, 0. 7)
(3, ± 1, 12)
and we thus arrange the six forms into genera, viz. we have three forms belonging
to the genus
-f + and of genera being one-half of all the combinations + +, , -I—, —K
The like theory applies to any other negative or positive determinant; the several
characters have reference in some cases not only to the odd prime factors of D but