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[From the Messenger of Mathematics, vol. vn. (1878), p. 158.]
It is an injustice to Arbogast to speak of his first method, as Arbogast’s method*.
There is really nothing in this, it is the straightforward process of expanding
cf) ^ a + bx -f- j—— cx 2 + ... ^
by the differentiation of cj>u, writing a, b, c, d, ... in place of u, ^> & c - or
say in place of a, u', u”, u", &c. respectively ; thus
rack Z) with a
in gear on the
other of them
micate to £ a
A or rotation
re. This is in
>wer instead of
<pa, fia. b, ^ {<f>'a. c + fi'a . ¥], % Ccf>'a. d + <£"a . be )
[ + (f>"a. 2 be + (f)"a. 6 3 J
= ^ {(f>'a . d + cp"a . Sbc + ft 'a . b s ], &c.,
and in subsequent terms the number of additions necessary for obtaining the numerical
coefficients increases with great rapidity.
That which is specifically Arbogast’s method, is his second method, viz. here the
coefficients of the successive powers of x in the expansion of </> (a + bx + cx 2 + dot? + ...),
are obtained by the rule of the last and the last but one ; thus we have
cf>a, cji'a.b, cji'a. c + cj)"a. ^b 2 , <£'a. d+ </>"«. 6c 4- (¡)"'a.^b z , &c.,
where each numerical coefficient is found directly, without an addition in any case.
See Messenger of Mathematics, vol. vn. (1878), pp. 142, 143.