Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 12)

C. XII. 
But substituting for a, b, c, l, m, n their values 
f’ 9’ h* p’ q’ r 
, we have in 
all 8 equations for the determination of qr, rp, pq, git, lif fg; viz. if for greater con 
venience we introduce the new symbols 21, 23, (S = qraa", rp/3'{3", pqy'y", then the 
8 equations are 
Proc. Lond. 
But in virtue of the equation a + ¡3 + y = 0 the first four equations are equivalent to 
three equations only, and they determine 21, 23, 6, that is, p, q, r, which give at once 
l, m, n; and similarly the second four equations are equivalent to three equations 
only, and 21, 25, (£ being known they determine gh, hf, fg, that is, f, g, h, which give 
at once a, b, c: the identification of the two forms is thus completed. 
Cambridge, 11 th January, 1883. 
2. these are

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