[From Grelles Journal der Mathem., t. xcvm. (1885), pp. 95, 96.]
In the early paper by Mr Weierstrass “Zur Theorie der Abelschen Functionen,”
Crelle’s Journal, t. xlvii. (1854), pp. 289—306, we have pp. 302, 303, certain equations
(43), and (stated to be deduced from them) an equation (49). Taking for greater
simplicity n= 2, the equations (43) written at full length are
K\\ J12 J\ 1 -f* K%1 JJ2 -Ä-22 J%1 9,
(43) ■ K U J' 12 — K 12 Ju + K 21 J'22 ~ K 22 «/21 = 0,
K n J 11 A \\Ju + A 2 i J 21 K 21 J>i — V’U,
K' n J\2 - K’ V1 J' 11 + K. M J'^- K'vJ'n = 0,
A 12 /'ll - K' U J 12 + K,2 J'21 - ZW22 = 0,
Z 12 /' 12 - K' 12 J 12 + K.,2 J r 22 - ;
viz. in the theory of the hyperelliptic functions depending on the radical
V# — a 0 . x — «1. x — a 2 • x — a- t . x — a 4 ,
these are relations between the eight integrals K of the first kind, and the eight
integrals J of the second kind. Each equation contains both K’s and J’s, and there
is not in the paper any express mention of a relation between the K’s only, which
occurs in Rosenhain’s Memoir, and is a leading equation in the theory. But taking
as before n = 2, and for the G’s which occur in (49) substituting their values as
obtained from the preceding equations (46) and (47), the equation becomes
(49) K n K'v - K 21 K’ n + K 12 K'v - K^K\, = 0,
which is the equation in question : it is the equation o) 0 v :i — o) :i v 0 + — eooVi = 0 of
Hermite’s Memoir “ Sur la theorie de la transformation des fonctions Abdliennes,”
Comptes Rendus, t. XL. (1855).
It is interesting to see how the equation (49) is derived from the equations
(43). I write for greater convenience
K u , K!2, K21, A22, K11, K 12 , K 21, K 22, J\\i /12» J21 ) /22» J11) J12) J 21) J 22
— A , B , G , D , A' , B' , C' , D' , a , /3 , y , 8 , a' , /3' , y , S'.