Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 12)

the space, that is, which we become acquainted with by experience, but which is the 
representation lying at the foundation of all physical experience. 
3. I propose in the present paper to develope further the geometry of the 
pseudosphere. In regard to the name, and the subject generally, I refer to two 
memoirs by Beltrami, “ Teoria fondamentale degli spazii di curvatura costante,” Annali 
di Matem., t. n. (1868—69), pp. 232—255, and “ Saggio di interpretazione della geometria 
non-Euclidea,” Battaglini, Giorn. di Matem., t. VI. (1868), pp. 284—312, both translated, 
Ann. de VÉcole Normale, t. vi. (1869) ; in the last of these, he speaks of surfaces of 
constant negative curvature as “ pseudospherical,” and in a later paper, “ Sulla superficie 
di rotazione che serve di tipo aile superficie pseudosferiche,” Battaglini, Giorn. di Matem., 
t. x. (1872), pp. 147—160, he treats of the particular surface which I have called the 
pseudosphere. The surface is mentioned, Note iv. of Liouville’s edition of Monge’s 
Application de VAnalyse à la Géométrie (1850), and the generating curve is there 
spoken of as “ bien connue des géomètres.” 
4. In ordinary plane geometry, take (fig. 1) a line Bx, and on it a point B 
from B, in any direction, draw the line BA ; take upon it a point A, and from 
Fig. l. 
this point, at right angles to Bx, draw Ay, cutting it at C. We have thus a triangle 
ACB, right-angled at C; and we may denote the other angles, and the lengths of the 
sides, by A, B, c, a, b, respectively. In the construction of the figure, the length c and 
the angle B are arbitrary. 
The plane is a surface which is homogeneous, isotropic, and palintropic, that is, 
whatever be the position of B, the direction of Bx, and the sense in which the angle 
B is measured, we have the same expressions for a, b as functions of c, B; these 
expressions, of course, are 
a = c cos B, b = c sin B. 
But considering Ay as the initial line and AB, =c, as a line drawn from A at an 
inclination thereto =A, we have in like manner 
b = c cos A, a = c sin .4, 
and consequently cos A = sin B, sin A = cos B; whence sin (A 4- B) = 1, cos (A + B) = 0, and 
thence A + B = a right angle, or A + B + G = two right angles.

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