Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 12)

this is so, we substitute in the differential equation for y the value in question 
x p E(x), thus obtaining a series 
n 0 xp- 6 + + ..., 
(where 6 is a determinate positive integer depending on the negative powers of x in 
the equation); the coefficients fi 0 , i! 1} ... are functions of p of an order not exceeding 
m, and contain also the coefficients E 0 , E u E 2 , ... linearly; in particular, il 0 contains 
E 0 as a factor, say its value is = A , 0 II 0 . The series should vanish identically. Supposing 
that II 0 contains p, then we have II 0 = 0, an equation of an order not exceeding m 
for the determination of p. For any root p — po of this equation, E 0 remains arbitrary 
and may be taken = 1 ; the equations ilj = 0, il 2 = 0,... then serve to determine the 
ratios to E 0 of the remaining coefficients E 1} E 2 , ...; and we thus have the solution 
y — x p <> (1 + E x x + E 2 x 2 + ...), where p a and the coefficients have determinate values. 
6. I stop to notice a curious form of illusory solution ; the assumed form of 
solution is 
y — x p (. •. P E_%x " P E_j x 1 P E 0 p E-yX P ...), 
the series being a double series extending both ways to infinity, or say a back-and- 
forward series ; we have here a series of equations 
...n_ 2 =0, n_ x = o, n 0 = o, n 1 = o,..., 
which leave p undetermined, but determine the ratios of the several coefficients to one 
of these coefficients, say E 0 \ or taking this =1, we have a solution 
y = x p (... P E_ 2 x~' 2 + E^x* 1 + 1 + E x x + E 2 x 2 + ...) 
where the coefficients are determinate functions of the arbitrary symbol p. Such a 
series is in general divergent for all values of the variable, and thus is altogether 
without meaning. As a simple instance, take the differential equation — y = 0, 
which is satisfied by 
y—\...(p — 1 ) px p ~ 2 + px p ~ 1 + x p + 
x p+1 
P + 1 
+ ... 
see my paper, Cayley, Note on Riemann’s paper, “ Versuch einer allgemeinen Auffassung 
der Integration und Differentiation,” Werke, pp. 331—344; Math. Ann. t. xvi. (1880), 
pp. 81, 82), [751]. 
7. A more general form of integral is Thome’s “ normal elementary integral,” 
y=e w x p E(x), where w is = a finite series “¡Pinegative powers of a: (a a 
positive integer, = 2 at least). To discover whether such a form exists, observe that, 
writing for a moment ^ = y', and so for the other symbols, we have -=«/+-+ , 
° dx * j > y x E(x)

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