[From Crelles Journal dev Mathem., t. c. (1887), pp. 286—295.]
1. I CONSIDER a linear differential equation
d m y d m ~ 1 y
P°d5i>+P'dii^ + - + P™y = 0 ’
where p 0 , pi, • •• > Pm are rational and integral functions of x, having no common factor:
as usual, x is a complex magnitude represented by a point, and we consider the
integrals belonging to a singular point x=a of the differential equation. An integral
may be a regular integral, or it may be what Thome calls a normal elementary
integral: the theory of these integrals (which I would rather call subregular integrals)
requires, I think, further examination.
2. I retain x as the independent variable, but for shortness use t to denote
—-— : and I take as the dependent variable z, = - ~ : we have then z determined
x — a y dx
by a non-linear differential equation of the order m — 1, and from any value of z we
derive a corresponding value e$ zdx of y.
3. To obtain the ^-equation, using for shortness accents to denote differentiation
in regard to x, we have z = '
also 2 zz' + z" = ~ , that is,
y y
0 (z 2 + z) + 2zz' + z" = — , or finally z 3 + 3zz' + z" = —,
y y
y y y
and so on ; viz. the values of J
y y y
are z, z 2 + z', z 3 + 3zz' + z",
generally for