2°. If however the 8 points B are on a curve of the order <y — 3, then the
mn — 8 points A are a system such that every curve of the order r passing
through mn — 8 — 1 of these points passes through the remaining point; and in this
case the general curve of the order r, which passes through the mn — 8 points A, has
for its form of equation
0 = H r -f- L r _ m P m + M r _ n Q n ,
il ; . = 0 is a particular curve through the mn — 8 points A, which does not go
through any of the points B; and consequently the curve of the order r does not
pass through any of the points B.
For the proof of the theorem I premise as follows:
A curve of the order r depends upon \r (r + 3) constants, or to use a convenient
expression, its Postulandum is = \r (r + 3): if the curve has to pass through a given
point, this imposes a single relation upon the constants, or say the Postulation is = 1;
similarly, if the curve has to pass through k given points, this imposes k relations,
or say the Postulation is = k. The points may be however a special system, for
instance, they may be such that every curve of the order r which passes through
k — 1 of the points, will pass through the remaining point; the Postulation is in this
case —k — 1; and so in other cases. Assuming the Postulation of the k points to
be = k, then the Postulandum of a curve of the order r through the k points is
= ^r(r + 3) — k. I stop to remark that the Postulation has reference to the particular
curve or other entity in question; thus in the case of a curve passing through
k points, the Postulation for a curve of a certain order may be = k, and for a
curve of a different order it may be less than k.
Considering now, as above, two given curves of the orders m and n intersecting
in the mn — 8 points A and the 8 points B, then assuming that the mn — 8 points
are not a special system, viz. that their Postulation in regard to a curve of the
order r is = mn — 8, the Postulandum of a curve of the order r through the mn — 8
points is
= \r (r + 3) — mn + 8,
which is
= i ( r — ni + 1) (i— m + 2) + ^ (r — n + 1) (r — n + 2) — 1,
viz. this is identically true when for 8 we write its value
= \ (m + n — r — l)(m + n—i' — 2).
But we have through the mn — 8 points A, a curve
L r —m Pin A M r - n Qn — 0
with the proper Postulandum: viz. L r _ m contains ^ (r — m+ l)(r— m + 2) constants,
M r - n contains £ (r — n + 1) {r — n + 2) constants, and there is a diminution —1 for the
constant which divides out; hence this is the general equation of the curve of the
order r through the mn — 8 points A; and the curve passes through the remaining
8 points B.