The two curves here intersect in the ab points (\ a = 0,
mn — ab points
"h-a > R'm—b >
Uh ) &m—a>
/jL b = 0), and in the
say the {mn — h) points A are mn — ab — © of the last-mentioned points, and the S
points B are the remaining © points together with the ab points. Here the general
form of the curve of the order r passing through the mn — ab points, and therefore
through the mn — 8 points A, is
Ly—m—n+a+b > M r _ n > r—m
'W > B ln _(j, U n _ b
f^b > Bm—a j Vn—a
= 0,
where L r - m - n+a+h , M,._ n , N r _ m are arbitrary functions of the orders indicated by
the respective suffixes. The theory in regard to the number of constants is of course
altogether different from that which belongs to the case of the general functions
P m , Q n \ and it is probable that much interesting theory would present itself in the
consideration of particular cases.
Cambridge, 22 March 1887.