where a, /3 are interior points, the most simple case is when a = a, ¡3 = — a, positive
and < 1. Here
z 2 — a‘
and we have
2 , 2 = (# 2 + y 2 ) 2 — 2g 2 (æ 2 — y 2 ) + a 4
1 ^ 1 — 2a 2 (x 2 — y 2 ) + a 4 (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 ’
or say
which last form shows that to the circumference ¿r x 2 + y? — 1 = 0, there corresponds the
circumference x 2 + y 2 — 1 = 0 (and besides this, only the imaginary curve x 2 + y 2 + 1 = 0).
Writing x 2 + y 2 = c 2 , we have the contour
(c 2 a 4 — 1) (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 — 2a 2 (c 2 — 1) {x 2 — y 2 ) + c 2 - a 4 = 0,
a bicircular quartic. For c = 1, we have as already mentioned the circle x 2 + y 2 —1 = 0;
for c less than 1, a curve lying within this circle, diminishing with c, and after a
time acquiring on each side of the axis of x an indentation or assuming an hour
glass form; for the value c 2 = a 4 , the equation becomes
(a 4 +1) (x 2 + y 2 ) 2 — 2a 2 (x 2 — y 2 ) = 0,
and the curve is a figure of eight, the two loops enclosing the points y = 0, x = a
and x = — a respectively; and as c 2 diminishes to zero, the curve consists of two
detached ovals lying within the two loops of the figure of eight, and ultimately
reducing themselves to the two points respectively. There is no difficulty in finding
the equation of the curves corresponding to a radius x 1 — 6y 1 = 0, but the configuration
of these curves is at once seen from that of the former system. We may in the
present case say that the circle is squarewise contracted to the figure of eight; and
then further that each loop of the figure of eight is squarewise contracted to a
point; but we do not have a squarewise contraction of the circle to a point.
30. A closed curve or contour may be squarewise contracted not into a point
but into a finite line: we see this in the case of a system of confocal ellipses,
which gives the contraction of an ellipse into the thin ellipse which is the finite
line joining the two foci. There is a like contraction of the circle; this is, in fact,
given by the formula due to Schwarz, “ Ueber einige Abbildungsaufgaben,” Grelle,
t. lxx. (1869), pp. 105—120 (see p. 115) for the orthomorphosis of the ellipse into
a circle: this is
where, if a 2 —b 2 = 1 and a = cos —^ , or, what is the same thing, ib = sin , then
0(j '2/
the ellipse 1 J — 1 + e —™'~ 2 1 - ,2 =0. The contours
and trajectories for the ellipse are the confocal ellipses and hyperbolas respectively;