Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 13)

a, positive 
sponds the 
y 2 + 1 = 0). 
■ y 2 -1 = 0; 
nd after a 
an hour- 
= 0, x = a 
its of two 
in finding 
lay in the 
eight; and 
acted to a 
,o a point 
al ellipses, 
the finite 
is, in fact, 
en,” Creile, 
ellipse into 
4 K 
he contours 
espectively ; 
and for the circle, they are two sets of bicircular quartics, such that the portions 
within the circle have a configuration resembling that of the confocal ellipses and 
hyperbolas within the ellipse. Po investigate the formulae, it is convenient to introduce 
the function 
X + i Y, = sin -1 (x + iy) ; 
we then have 
or say 
x + iy = sin (X + iY), 
x = sin X cos i Y, iy = cos X sin i Y, 
so that to any given value of F there corresponds the ellipse 
y 2 
and then 
or if 
— .j- 
cos 2 i Y — sin 2 iY 
2 K 
= 1, 
«i + %i = sn — (X + » F) ; 
s = sn 
2 KX 
2 KX 
is x = sn 
2 KiY 
C = cn = V(1 - S 2 ), Cl = cn = V(1 + Si 2 ), 
7T 7T V ' 
, , 2KX , j . , , 2KiY . 
d = dn = V(1 — ks 2 ), d 1 = dn = V(1 + hs^), 
xi = 
1 + k 2 s 2 s 2 ’ 
1 + k 2 s 2 s 2 ’ 
2| 2 s 2 + Sl 2 
x ' + y ; - 
and therefore x^ + yf — ^ = 0 if 1 — ks 2 = 0, that is, if Sj = , or si 
2 KiY 
is 1 = sn 
■ e 2 KiY 1 >Kr/ 
ir = f iK, or 
4 K ’ 
hence defining a as above, it appears that the elliptic periphery — + —- = 1 corre 
sponds to the circumference x ± 2 + y^ — ^ = 0. By the introduction of X+z'F as above, 
the circle and the ellipse are each compared with a rectangle ; the reduction of the 
circle to the rectangle, as given by the foregoing equation x 1 + iy 1 = sn — (X+iY), 
or what is substantially the same thing by an equation x 1 + iy x = sn (X + iY), is 
more fully discussed in my paper, Cayley: “On the Binodal Quartic and the graphical 
representation of the Elliptic Functions,” Camb. Phil. Trans., t. xiv. (1889), pp. 484— 
494, [891], and in a paper “On some problems of orthomorphosis,” Crelle, t. evil. (1891), 
pp. 262—277, [921]. 
31. The whole theory, and in particular Riemann’s theorem before referred to,

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