Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 13)

is the diminished value of S", and finally making the numerical change, if T be 
c cL 
what S'" becomes on writing therein b, ... for b, c, d, this gives 
(db + 2 bd c + ...) T = 0, 
viz. T is a seminvariant. 
49. Assume that, for the weights up to a certain weight w, the forms of the 
sharp seminvariants are known: and for the weight w consider a seminvariant I(ca)F: 
here if I be given, the first theorem establishes a limit F' such that is in iO 
not higher than F'. For instance, when w = 12, if I = dj, the coefficient of j as being 
a seminvariant can only be d oo b 3 , and thus the seminvariant contains a term b 3 j, or 
the final term F must be in AO not higher than b 3 j; the degree is thus = 4 at least. 
Similarly, if F be given, then the second theorem determines a limit I' such 
that I is in GO not lower than /'. Thus when w = 12, as before, if F=b i cd 2 , then 
diminishing the letters we have be 2 , a term belonging to /oo&c 2 ; the diminished form 
has thus terms a 4 (a 2 ./, be 2 ), so that augmenting these the seminvariant has terms 
b 4 (b 2 g, cd 2 ) and thus the initial term I is in CO not lower than b s g. 
50. A limit for I or F, when the other is given, can also in some cases be 
found as follows: Considering a seminvariant of the weight w as before, and denoting 
its extent and degree by a and 8 respectively, then we have a8 — 2w — 0 or positive; 
that is, cr8 = 2w at least; here given I, we have cr, and then 8 = — at least; and 
given F we have 8, and then o- = ~k- at least. 
51. We may now explain the MacMahon linkage; for a given weight, we write 
down in two columns the initials or non-unitaries in CO, and the finals or power- 
enders in AO: by what precedes, it appears that we cannot combine the terms of 
the one column each with the term opposite to it in the other column; what we 
do is: beginning with the top of the column of initials, we combine successively 
each term with the highest admissible term in the column of finals: or beginning 
with the bottom of the column of finals, we combine successively each term with 
the lowest admissible term in the column of initials.

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