Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 13)

52. For the weight 12, the linkage is 
read downwards. 
shown by 
not uv AO 
higher than 
read upwards. 
Thus, beginning at the top of the column of initials, m is to be linked with g 2 , 
that is, we have (m go g 2 ); ck with c/ 2 , that is, we have (ck oo cf 2 ); dj cannot be 
linked with e s , for the final must be in AO not higher than b 3 j, but it is linked 
with the highest term b 2 f 2 for which this condition is satisfied, that is, we have 
(dj go b 2 / 2 ); ei is then linked with the highest admissible term e s , that is, we have 
(ei oo e 3 ); and so on.

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