Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 13)

Or beginning at the bottom of the column of finals, 6 12 is linked with c 6 , that 
is, we have (c 6 oo b 12 ), b 8 c 2 with c 3 d 2 , that is, we have (c 3 d 2 oo b 8 c 2 ); b 6 c 3 cannot be 
linked with d 4 , for the initial must be in CO not lower than b s e, but it is linked 
with the lowest term c 4 e for which this condition is satisfied, that is, we have 
(c 4 e oo b 6 c 3 ); and so on. 
The Unibral Notation. Strok’s Theory. Art. Nos. 53 to 56. 
53. Employing the umbras a, /3, 7, 8, ..., which are such that 
a = /3 = 7, ..., =b; a 2 =/3 2 = 7 2 , ..., =c; a 3 = /3 3 = y 3 , =d; 
and so on, then for instance 
(a — /3) 2 = a 2 — 2a/3 + /3 2 , =c — 2b 2 +c, = 2 (c — b 2 ), 
a seminvariant; 
(a — ¡3) 2 (a — 7) = a 3 — 2a 2 /3 + a/3 2 — a 2 <y + 2a/3y — ¡3 2 y, 
— d — 2 be + bc — bc + 2 b 3 — be, = d — Sbc + 2b 3 , 
a seminvariant: and so in general any rational and integral function of the differences 
of the umbrae developed and interpreted is a seminvariant. For the seminvariants of 
a given weight, e.g. w — 6, Dr Stroh * considers the function 
il 6 = (ax + /3y + yz + 8w + et + £u) 6 , 
where x, y, z, w, t, u are numbers the sum of which is =0, or we may if we 
please have more than 6 such numbers: the expression is obviously a function of 
the differences of the umbrae and it is thus a seminvariant. To develop its value, 
observe that after expansion of the sixth power we have sets of similar terms, for 
instance a 6 x 6 + ¡3 6 y 6 + ... which putting therein a 6 = /3 6 = 7®, ... = g become = g. Sx 6 , and 
generally each set becomes equal to a literal term multiplied by a symmetric function 
of the x, y, z, w, ...; introducing capital letters to denote the elementary symmetric 
functions of these quantities, and recollecting that their sum is assumed to be = 0, 
say we have 
1 + Cs 2 + Da 3 + Eh 4 + ... = 1 — x&. 1 — ys . 1 — zs , 
(that is, 0 = Sx, + C = Sxy, — D = Sxyz, &c.) then by aid of the Table VI (b) writing 
therein 0, C, D, E, F, G for b, c, d, e, f, g, we find 
il 6 = (ax + fty + 7z .. .) 6 = a 6 Sx 6 + Qa 5 SSafy + &c., 
* See the paper “ Ueber die Symbolische Darstellung der Grundsyzyganten einer binären Form sechster 
Ordnung und eine Erweiterung der Symbolik von Clebsch,” Math. Ann. t. xxxvi. (1890), pp. 262—303, in 
particular § 10, Das Formensystem einer Form unbegrenzt hoher Ordnung.

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