[From the American Journal of Mathematics, t. xv. (1893), pp. 387, 388.]
The notion (see Holder, “ Zur Reduction der algebraischen Gleichungen,” Math.
Ann., t. xxxiv. (1887), § 4, p. 31) is a very important one, and it is extensively
made use of in Mr Young’s paper, “On the Determination of Groups whose Order
is the Power of a Prime,” American Journal of Mathematics, t. xv. (1893), pp. 124—
178; but it seems to me that the meaning is explained with hardly sufficient
clearness, and that a more suitable algorithm might be adopted, viz. instead of
G 1 —G/T 1 , I would rather write G = Tj. QG 1 or QG 1 .Y 1 .
We are concerned with a group G containing as part of itself a group r t , such
that each element of r x is commutative with each element of G. This being so, we
may write
G = QG 1 .T 1 ,
where QG 1 is not a group but a mere array of elements, viz. if r x = (l, A 2 , ..., A s ),
and QGi = (l, B 2 , ..., B t ), then the formula is
G = { 1, B 2 , ..., B t )( 1, A 2 , ..., As),
where it is to be noticed that the elements B are not determinate; in fact, if A 0
be any element of r x , we may, in place of an element B, write BA e , for
B( 1, A 2 , ..., M s ) and BA e ( 1, A 2 , ..., M s )
are, in different orders, the same elements of G.
But, G being a group, the product of any two elements of G is an element of
G ; viz. we thus have in general
B{ A. BjAf = B k A k ',