Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 13)

on halphen’s characteristic n. 
In fact, starting from an existing curve, say the complete intersection of two 
given surfaces of the orders ¡ju, v respectively, we have, as is known, 
d = /jLv, 2h = fiv (/jb — 1) (v — 1): 
we find also, as will appear, n = (/j, — 1) (v — 1): hence also nd = 2h, viz. the cone of 
the order n through the h nodal lines meets the cone of the order d in these lines 
counting each twice, and in no other lines. I remark also that h is = \n (n + 3) if 
¡i + v = 4 ; viz. we have here two nodal lines lying in a plane; but if /a + v > 4, then 
h is greater than \n (n + 3), viz. in this case the nodal lines are not h lines taken 
at pleasure, but they are lines subject to the condition of lying in a cone of the 
order n. But this is not all; the h nodal lines lie not only in this cone of lowest 
order n, but also in cones of the orders n+1, n+ 2, ..., n + (y, + v — 2) respectively: 
I do not for the moment attempt to determine the number of independent conditions 
which are hereby imposed upon the h lines. 
The last-mentioned theorem constitutes in fact the geometrical interpretation of 
results contained in Jacobi’s paper “ De eliminatione variabilis e duabus aequationibus 
algebraicis,” Grelle, t. xv. (1836), pp. 101—124, [Ges. Werke, t. ili. pp. 295—320]. 
Consider the two equations 
U = {*§%, y, z, wY = 0 ; V = (*$«, y, z, w) v = 0; 
representing surfaces of the orders y, v respectively; since the form of the equations 
is quite arbitrary, we may without loss of generality assume that the point 
(.x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0) 
is an arbitrary point in space; and this being so, we find the equation of the cone, 
vertex this point, which passes through the curve of intersection of the two surfaces 
by the mere elimination of w between the two equations. As the reasoning is exactly 
the same for a particular case, I write for convenience y = 3, v = 4, and consider the 
two equations 
AqU? + A-iVfi -)- A^w + A 3 = 0, 
I? 0 w 4 + B Y w z + B 2 w 2 + B 3 w + B 4 = 0, 
where the suffixes show the degrees in regard to (x, y, z), viz. A 0 , B 0 are mere 
constants, A 1} B } are linear functions (*$/», y, z) 1 , A.,, B 2 quadric functions (*$#, y, zf, 
and so on. Multiplying the first equation successively by 1, w, w 2 , w z , and the second 
equation successively by 1, w, w 2 , we have 7 equations from which to eliminate 1, 
w, w 2 , w z , w 4 , w 5 , w 6 , and the result is 
A 3 
A u 
A 2 , 
A 3 , 
A 1} 
A 2) 
A 3 , 
B 2 , 
B 3 , 
B 4 
B 0 , 
B 1} 
B 2 , 
B 3 , 
B 4 , 
B 1} 
B 2 , 
B 3 , 

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