distances of the same kind, having a common unit, the quadrant, represented by \nr;
and in fact, any distance may be considered indifferently as a linear, an angular, or
a dihedral distance: the word, perpendicular, usually represented by x, refers of course
to a distance = \tc. We have moreover the distance of a point from a plane, that
of a point from a line, and that of a plane from a line. Two lines which do not
meet may be x, and in particular they may be reciprocal: in general, they have
two distances; and they have also a “ moment ” and “ comoment,” the values of
which serve to express those of the two distances. Lines may be, in several distinct
senses, as will be explained, parallel; and for this reason the word parallel is never
used simpliciter; the notion of parallelism does not apply to planes, nor to points.
Elliptic space has been considered and the theory developed in connexion with
the imaginaries called by Clifford biquaternions, and as applied to Mechanics: I refer
to the names, Ball, Buchheim, Clifford, Cox, Gravelius, Heath, Klein, and Lindemann:
in particular, much of the purely geometrical theory is due to Clifford. Memoirs by
Buchheim and Heath are referred to further on.
Geometrical Notions. Art. Nos. 1 to 16.
ine, plane,
iz. instead
a quadric
ry surface
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case also
elism and
7, infinity
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}his plane,
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two such
yen lines.
1. The Absolute is a general quadric surface: it has therefore lines of two
kinds, which it is convenient to distinguish as directrices and generatrices: through
each point of the surface there is a directrix and a generatrix, and the plane
through these two lines is the tangent plane at the point. A line meets the surface
in two points, say A, C; the generatrix at A meets the directrix at C; and the
Fig. 1.
v \
D\ /
¿kN. \ U'
%\ \ ns
directrix at A meets the generatrix at 6; and we have thus on the surface two new
points B, D; joining these we have a line BJD, which is the reciprocal of AC; viz.
BD is the intersection of the planes BAD, BCD which are the tangent planes at
A, C respectively, and similarly AC is the intersection of the planes ABC, ADC
which are the tangent planes at B, D respectively.
ation: we
tween two
these are
According to what follows, reciprocal lines are x, but x lines are not in general
reciprocal; thus the two epithets are not convertible, and there will be occasion
throughout to speak of reciprocal lines.
C. XIII. 61