the half-sides
the triangle
diculars from
ntre of the
B'G', C'H'
Secondly, for the points L', M', N', we have
sin B'L' =
V(? 2 + r 2 + 2pqr) ’
sin C'L' =
V(? 2 + r 2 -f 2pqr) ’
sin B'L' :
: sin C'L' = r
: q,
= cos B'A' :
: cos C'A'
sin C'M' :
sin A'M'= p
: r,
= cos C'B'
: cos ri'#,
sin ri W' :
sin B'N' = q :
: p,
= cos A'C'
: cos B'C',
that is,
and similarly
viz. the sides B'C', C'A', A'B' are by the points L', M', N' divided each into two
parts such that for any side the sines of the two parts are proportional to the cosines
of the other two sides. We have
sin B'L'. sin C'M'. sin A'N' — sin C'L'. sin A'M'. sin B'N',
viz. the arcs A'L', B'M', C'N' meet in a point K' which may be called the cos-centre
of the triangle A'B'G' (where observe that, for a, b, c indefinitely small, i.e. for a plane
triangle, the points L', M', N' are the mid-points of the sides, and the centre K' is
the c. G. or median point of the triangle).
But further, we have
and thence
sin 2B'L' (= sin BL) = 2rpl (q ,
(p + r 2 + 2pqr
sin 2C'L' (= sin CL) = 2qPl (r +Pq) ,
7 (f + r- + 2pqr
sin BL . sin C'ilf. sin AN = sin CL . sin AM. sin BN,
viz. the arcs AL, BM, CN meet in a point, which is obviously not the cos-centre of
the triangle ABC.
We have thus the construction of the nine-points circle as a six-points circle, by
means of the points F, G, H, L, M, N; and by way of recapitulation we may say that
the nine-points circle meets the sides BC, CA, AB in the points F, L; G, M ; H, N
respectively, where the points F, G, H depend on the ortho-centre of the semi-triangle,
and the points L, M, N depend on the cos-centre of the semi-triangle.
The triangle ABC has an inscribed circle and three escribed circles, and we have
(as is known) the theorem that the nine-points circle touches each of these four circles.
The circles BC, CA, AB and the nine-points circle form a tetrad of circles, and the
inscribed circle and the three escribed circles a tetrad of circles, or say the eight
circles form a bitetrad, such that each circle of the one tetrad touches each circle of
the other tetrad.