Full text: A treatise of algebra

to the Resolution of* r k o rt.s'ms» 81 
zz 800; and consequently x— zz 7tV> the share 
of A; therefore that of B will be — 5jf : that of 
C (■ '*■) zz 4\y\ and that of D (--) zz 3ff. 
A market woman bought in a certain number of eggs at 
3 a penny, and as many at 3 a penny, and sold them all 
out again, at the rate of 5 for twopence, and lost four 
pence by so doing: what number of eggs did she buy 
and sell. 
Let x be the number of eggs of each price, or sort; 
then will be the number of pence which all the first 
sort cost, and the price of all the second sort; but 
the whole price of both sorts together, at the rate of 
5 for two pence, at which they were sold, will be 
— (for as 5 .* 2 V: 2x (the whole number of eggs) : 
5 v 3 
hence, by the question, 
x x x 4x 
_ 4. — — 5 
•15p + 10T— 24x’ zz 120, and therefore x zz 120. 
4; whence 
— / 2 z 60 -f 40 — 96 zz 4, 
A composition of copper and tin, containing 100 cubic 
inches, being weighed, its weight was found to be 503 
ounces: how many ounces of each metal did it contain, 
supposing the iceight of a cubic inch of copper to be 5-f 
ounces, and that of a cubic inch of tin 4-f ? 
Let x be the number of ounces of copper; then 
503 — x will be the number of ounces of tin, and we 
.shall have 1 
Sj : 1 (cubic inch) :: x : f?- inches of copper. 
■ H 
G 4

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