To find three numbers, on these conditions, that a times
the first, h times the second, and c times the third, shall
be equal to a given number p; that d times the first, e
times the second, and f limes the third, shall be equal
to another given number q; and that g times the first,
h times the second, and k times the third, shall be equal
to a third given number r.
Let the three required numbers be denoted by x, y,
and z, and then we shall have
ax 4 by 4 cz zz p,
dx + cy 4- fz - q,
gx 4- hy 4- kz zz r.
From d times the first of which subtract a times the
second, and from g times the first subtract a times the
third, and you will have these two new equations
$ bdy — aey 4 cdz — afz zz dp — aq,
1- cgz — akz zz gp — ar\
t bgy -T- ahy
or, which are the same,
and, bg — ah
z zz dp — aq,
z zz gp — or.
Multiply the first of these two equations by the coeffi
cient of y in the second, and vice versa, and let the last of
the two products be subtracted from the former, and you
will next have cd
x z~ bg
aj x bg-
■bd—oex eg —ah
ah x dp — aq—• Id—ae x gp—ar; and
therefore s = bs ~ ah x ~ M ~ ae y Wi
cd—af X bg — uh — bd — ae x eg—ak
whence x and y may also be found.
Let the given equations be
x 4- y 4 z zz 12,
2a' 4 3y 4 4z zz 38,
3a; 4 tfy 4los = 83;
Or, which is the same thing, let a — l, b — 1, c = 1, p zz 12,
dzz°, czz3,fzz4, 9—38, gzz3, hzz6, kzrlO, and r~83:
then these values being substituted above in that of z,