gives bx 4- ba — hx — ax' 4 a'x, that is, ba — ax* 4-
a'x; whence, dividing by a, and completing the square,
we have x 2 -f ax + \a 2 — b + 4a 2 ; therefore x 4 \a —
\/b 4- 4a 2 , and consequently x — \/ bf ^a l — \a —
SO, the lesser number, whence x 4- a — 30, the greater
To find two numbers whose sum is 80 fa J, and if they
be didded alternately by each other, the sum of the quo
tients shall be 34 (bJ.
If one of the numbers be x, the other will be a — r,
x cl - x
and we shall therefore have— \ - b: which
a — x x
equation, brought out of fractions, becomes x 2 4 a 2 —
Sax 4- x 2 rr abx — bx'; and this, by transposition,
gives 2x 2 -f bx* — 2«x — abx — — a 1 , that is;
2 4-6 X x 2 — 2 4- 6 x ax ——a 2 ; whereof both sides
being divided by 2 4- b, we have x 2 — ax — —
two, are the numbers that were to be found.
To divide the number 134 (a) into three such parts,-
that once thefirst, twice the second, and three times the
third, added together,may be — 278 (b J,and that the sum
of the squares of all the three parts may be — 6036 (cj.
Let the three parts be denoted by x, y, and 2, respec
tively; then, from the conditions of the problems, we
shall have these three equations.
x 4- y 4- z = a,
x 4- 2y 4-32 =6,
x* 4- y 1 4- a* ~ c.