Then multiply the last number thus found by the abso
lute quantity fbJ in the numerator of the given fraction,
and divide the product by the denominator; so shall the
remainder be the true value of x, required; provided the
number of terms in the upper line be even, and the sign o f
b negative, or, if that number be odd and the sign o f b af
firmative; but, if the number of terms be even, and the
sign of b affirmative, or vice versa, then the difference
between the said remainder and the denominator of the
fraction ivill be the true answer..
In the general method here laid down a is supposed
less than c, and that these two numbers are prime to
each other: for, were they to admit of a common mea
sure, whereby b is not divisible, the thing would be im
possible, that is, no integer could be assigned for x t
so as to give the value of ax an integer: the rea
son of which, as w r ell as of the lemma itself, will be
explained a little farther on : here it will be proper to
put down an example or tw r o, to illustrate the use of
w hat has been already delivered.
Examp. 1. Let the given quantity be
Then the operation will stand as follows :
87 )j256 ( 2
82 ) 87_( 1
5 ) ¡82 ( 16
2, 1, 16, 2
1, 2, 3, 50, 103
256 ) 5150 ( 20
~ 30 = X:
Examp. 2.
7\x -f 10
— *i