corresponding value of x. Hence it follows, that, if
the greatest value of x be divided by the co-eflicient of //,
the remainder will be the least value of x, and that the
quotient 4- 1 will give the number of all the answers.
But it is to be observed, that the equations here spoken
of, are such, wherein the said co-efficients are prime
to each other; if this should not be the case, let the
equation given be, first of all, reduced to one of this
form, by dividing by the greatest common measure.
To find how many different ways it is possible to pay
look in guineas and pistoles, only ; reckoning guineas at
21 shillings each, and pistoles at 17.
Let x represent the number of guineas, and y that
of the pistoles; then the number of shillings in the
guineas being 2Lr, and in the pistoles, 17//, we shall
therefore have 21a? f- 17// — 2000, and consequently x —
2000— 17y , 5—17//
— = 95 f
which being a whole
number, by the question, it is manifest that
must also be an integer: now the least value of ?/, in
whole numbers, to answer this condition, will be found
= 4, and the expression itself rr 3; the corresponding,
or greatest value of a? being = 92; which being divided
by 17, the co-efficient of y (according to the preceding
note) the quotient comes out 5, and the remainder 7 :
therefore the least value of .t is 7, and tlir number of
answers (- 5 + 1) r 6: and these are as follow,
75 ! 58
25 J 46
To determine whether it be possible to pay 100I. in gui
neas and moidores only; the former being reckoned ut 21
shillings each, and the latter at 27.
Here, by proceeding as in the last question, we have