B — b is also proved to be, r: 0; and from thence
C — c , D — d, &c. Q. E. D.
Now, to apply what is here demonstrated to the pur
pose above specified, it will be proper tl* observe, first,
that, as the value of any progression (l 1 + £ f 3 2
+ 4* ?i l ) varies according as («) the number of
its terms varies, it must, if it can be expressed in a ge
neral manner) be explicable by n and its powers with
determinate co-ellicients; secondly, it is obvious that
those powers, in the cases above proposed, must be ra
tional, or such avhose indices are whole positive num
bers ; because the progression, being an aggregate of
whole numbers, cannot admit of surd quantities; lastly,
it will appear that the greatest of the said indices can
not exceed the common index of the progress ion by more
than unity; for, otherwise, when n is taken indefinitely
great, the highest power of n would be indefinitely
greater than all the rest of the terms put together.
Thus, the highest power of.«, in an expression univer
sally exhibiting the value of l 1 d- £ 2 4- 3*
cannot be greater than n 3 ; for \ z + 2 1 f 3 1 »*
is manifestly less than n 3 (or id + id -l- a 1 f Sec. con
tinued to n terms); but « 4 , when n is indefinitely great
is indefinitely greater than or any other inferior
power of «,and therefore cannot enter into the equation.
This being premised, the method of investigation may
be as follows.
Case l . To find the sum of the progression 1 + 2 1- 3
•1 4 .... it.
Let \rd l B« be assumed according to the foregoing
observations, as an universal expression for the value
ol 1 f -j [ 3 .+ 4 // ; where A and B represent
unknown, but determinate quantities. Therefore,since
the equation is supposed to hold universally, Avhatsoever
is the number of terms, it is evident, that, if the num
ber ot terms be increased by unity, or, which is the same
thing, it n l- l be wrote therein, instead of //, the equa
lity will still subsist, ami we shall have A / n I if V