Examp. 3. For how long time may one, with 6oo7.
purchase an annuity of 100/. at 4 per cent. 9
In this example, we have R — 1,04, A =: loo, and
v — 600; and therefore, by Theorem 3, n [ —
log. A — log. A + v —rR . _ i e
— J2— ) — 7 the number of
log. R
years required.
Examp. 4. To determine at what rate of interest an
annuity of 50/. to continue 10 years, may be purchased,
for 400/.
Here A — 50/. n — 10, and v> — 400: whence, by
Theorem 4, R*+i — — + lx R n l- A being — o, we
V v°
have R* 1 — l,125R ,c> + ,125 = 0; which equation
resolved, gives the required value of R = 1,042775;
and consequently the rate of interest, 4,2775/. per
The solution of this last case being somewhat tedious,
the following approximation (which will be found to
answer very near the truth, w r hen the number of years
is not very large) may be of use.
Assume Q = 11 n 1 - ^ ; so shall
2«A — 2tf
3000Q — 2«+ 1 X 400
6Q . 5Q — 3n — 4 + { . » + 2 . 1 1« + 13
rate per cent, very nearly.
express the
Thus, for example, let A (as above) be = 50,
10 x ll x 50
a — 10, and u — 400; then Q being —
82500 — 8400
= 27.5, we have
165 x 103,5 + 246'
for the rate, per cent, the same as before.
1000 — 800
or 4,277-5*