pressed by a
a a
rr-3 + 2T3T
&c. and its co-sine by 1
4 . 5
2 . 3
5.6 2.
Thus, tor example, let it be required to find the sine
of one minute: then, as losoo (the minutes in iso de
grees). : 1 :: 3,14159265358 &c. : .000290888203665
— file length of an arch ©f one minute: therefore, in
this case, a — .000290888208665, and
2 . 3
— .000000000004102, &c. And consequently
.000290888204563 zr the required sine of one minute.
Again, let it be required to find the sine and co-sine
of five degrees, each true to seven places of decimals.
Here ,0002908882, the length of an arch of l minute
(found above) being multiplied by 300, the number of
minutes in 5 degrees, the product .08726646 will be the
length ot an arch of 5 degrees: therefore, in this case,
we have
a — ,08726646
a 3
— — ,00011076,
= + ,00000004,
&c. and consequently ,08715574 = the sine of 5 de
crees. Also
— =r ,00380771,
a 4
■ = ,00000241 ;
and consequently ,9961947 — the co-sine of 5 degrees.
After the same manner, the sine and co-sine of any
other arch may be derived ; but the greater the arch is
the slower the series will converge, and therefore a
greater number of terms must be taken to bring out the
conclusion to the same degree of exactness,
r 2