Full text: A treatise of algebra

Let the number sought be represented by 
then will its quadruple be denoted by .... 
4 A'; 
whence, by the conditions of the question, x 75 = 4.r; 
this equation, by transposing x, becomes .... 75 = 3x; 
from whence, dividing by 3, we have x — ~ = l 25, 
which is the number that was to be found (for it is 
plain that 25 + 25 X 3 = 25 X 4 r 100). 
What number is that, which being added to A, and also 
multiplied by A,the product shall be the triple of the sum? 
Let the number sought be denoted by x; 
so shall the sum be denoted by 
and the product by 
whence, by the conditions of the question, 4.r = 
,t + 4 x 3; that is, Ax — 3x t- 12; from which by 
transposition, x = 12. 
To find two numbers such, that their sum shall be 30, 
and their difference 12. 
If x be taken to denote the lesser of the two numbers; 
then, by adding the difference 12, the greater number 
will be denoted by x f 12; and so we shall have 
2.r -f 12 = 30 by the question. 
From which equation, 2x = 30—12 = 18; and conse- 
1 8 
quently a’ = = 9; whence the greater number 
(a f 12) is also given = 21. 
To divide the number GO into three such parts, that the 
frst may exceed the second by 8, and the third by 16. 
Let the first part be denoted by x; then the second 
will be'x— 8, and the third x—16; the aggregate of 
all which, or 3.r — 24 is = 60, by the question.

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